Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Compilation

Michelle Taylor
Taken at Wesley's Chapel and Leysian Mission, London, England.
AV Authorized Version (popularly known as King James Version)
BCP Book of Common Prayer (usually when citing the Psalter)
JW John Wesley
WHS Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society
ad fin[em] placed after a scripture reference; means ‘to the end’ (ad fin Ep = ‘to the end of Epistle’]
etc. placed after a scripture reference; means ‘and following verses’
ult. placed after a scripture reference; means ‘latter part’(ad ult = ‘to the latter part’)
* placed after place reference; see note for 01-03-41
! placed after a scripture reference; see note for 10-19-39
+ placed before or after a scripture reference; see notes for 07-22-39 and 06-13-57