Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Compilation
Taken at Wesley's Chapel and Leysian Mission, London, England.
AV | Authorized Version (popularly known as King James Version) |
BCP | Book of Common Prayer (usually when citing the Psalter) |
JW | John Wesley |
WHS | Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society |
ad fin[em] | placed after a scripture reference; means ‘to the end’ (ad fin Ep = ‘to the end of Epistle’] |
etc. | placed after a scripture reference; means ‘and following verses’ |
ult. | placed after a scripture reference; means ‘latter part’(ad ult = ‘to the latter part’) |
* | placed after place reference; see note for 01-03-41 |
! | placed after a scripture reference; see note for 10-19-39 |
+ | placed before or after a scripture reference; see notes for 07-22-39 and 06-13-57 |