Whitefield, Rev. George (1714–1770)
Born in Gloucester to Thomas Whitefield and Elizabeth (Edwards) Whitefield, George matriculated at Pembroke College, Oxford in 1732, receiving his BA in 1736. CW befriended him, introducing him to JW, and he was soon active in the 'Oxford Methodists'. While the junior of the Wesley brothers in age, Whitefield preceded them by three years in his evangelical conversion in 1735. Ordained deacon in June 1736 (and priest in 1739), Whitefield began preaching in London in various churches with almost immediate success. This success carried over to Bristol in January 1737, and then across the Atlantic on his first journey there. In February 1739, back in Bristol, he turned to 'field preaching' and soon convinced JW and CW to join in this new setting. Despite their shared passion in the revival, the Wesley brothers and Whitefield held divergent theologies (Arminian and Calvinist). These soon caused tensions (and eventual divisions) in the broad Methodist movement, which are reflected in their frequent correspondence. In November 1741 Whitefield married Elizabeth (Burnell) James (1704–68), a Welsh widow. See Alumni Oxonienses; Atmore, Memorial, 492–502; CCEd; DEB, 1180–81; ODNB; and Vickers, Dictionary, 392.
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Entry Title: Whitefield, Rev. George (1714–1770)