Furly, Rev. Samuel (c. 1732–1795)
Furly (or Furley) was admitted a pensioner at Queens' College, Cambridge on Nov. 2, 1753, and became friendly with Henry Venn, who was a fellow there. He was ordained as deacon in May 1758, and married Ann Bloodworth the following month. After brief curacies in London, Lakenheath (Suffolk), and Kippax (Yorkshire), he served as curate of Slaithwaite (Yorkshire) from 1761–66. Then John Thornton presented him to the living of Roche, Cornwall, where he remained rector until his death. JW corresponded with him for several years, hoping to bring him into the Methodist network. See Alumni Catabrigienses; CCEd; and DEB, 416.
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Entry Title: Furly, Rev. Samuel (c. 1732–1795)