(Wesley) Ellison Susanna (c. 1695–1764)
Susanna ('Suky') was born to Samuel and Susanna (Annesley) Wesley in South Ormsby, Lincolnshire around 1695 (the exact date is unknown). On Jan. 11, 1718 she was married to Richard Ellison, of Epworth, in Ackworth, Yorkshire (where Susanna was apparently serving as a maid or nanny). The couple had at least ten children, of whom four lived to adulthood. Ellison was an abusive husband, leading Susanna to take the children and move to London about 1735. The couple were eventually reunited in London, and there Susanna died on Dec. 11, 1764 (four years after her husband). See Clarke, Memoirs (1823, 483–85; 1836, 2:271–74; 1848, 523–26); and Maser, Sisters, 30–36.
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Entry Title: (Wesley) Ellison Susanna (c. 1695–1764)